Monday, December 27, 2010

Love your ride

Train rides have always been a horrible experience. Well honestly, things weren't that bad until the recent years, with the avalanche of foreign talent into our trains. The authorities have decided to make things more pleasant for us by having a catchy jingle to get the commuters to love their ride.

Alas, the infectiousness of the tune faded quickly. Losing its lustre faster than the next train could arrive. Light praises of creativity grew to mild irritation, turning into muttered cursing and eventually culminating into overt displays of annoyance, each time the tune was broadcasted within earshot.

The images plastered on the walls and doors don't make things better. Face it, the Dim sum Dollies aren't exactly the sweetest thing that Singapore has to offer and also send warped messages to locals and foreigners. So they are the infamous sarong party girls? Are they getai transvestites?

The only grim message that does get delivered - your day is going to turn unpleasant the moment you pass through these train doors. The Dim Sum Dollies are the harbingers of that wicked whiff that will hit your nose. The rancid sweat ordour from your construction worker and the rotten fish breath from that hot office lady (goodness, what she has been having!). So..Please, will someone let me out of here!

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